Unique and Creative Terrazzo Tiles Design


Unique and Creative Terrazzo Tiles Design

Just because in the crowd, I looked at you more, and I never forgot your face again... The calm, mellow and solid terrazzo tiles, unique materials and craftsmanship bring more inspiration to creative design.

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For a long time, cement has always given people the impression of dull, rough, gray and rigid, but after the development of science and technology, cement is no longer an ordinary material for pavement, and has become a representative material of fashion. In the shortcomings of waterproof, durable, non-cracking and personalized customization, the use of terrazzo flooring to make up for and create a new and creative terrazzo series.

The unique humanistic temperament precipitated by history is integrated into the creativity of the millstone floor: the artistic beauty of crossing time and space, the perfect integration of historical coin shapes into the terrazzo floor design, the beauty given to modern life and a new way of life. - NICOO creates a unique terrazzo floor

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Use terrazzo flooring to show creativity and add unforgettable surprises to life!

If you want to join such a creative construction team, if you:

1. Integrity management, with the determination to become bigger and stronger;

2. More than 3 years of floor construction experience

3. Have their own professional grinding and polishing and other supporting equipment;

4. Have a strong desire and idea to make money;

Terrazzo flooring, there are no restrictions on the application of parts: countertops, tabletops, chairs, washbasins, bookshelves and any other parts where you need to customize cement products can be used for millstone construction.

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The retro rustic series of terrazzo flooring seems to tell the beauty of the years, and the unique construction process gives the product a strong use function: waterproof, impermeable, will not crack (what to do if the millstone floor is cracked), no skin fades, easy to care for, etc. It does not contain any gum components, showing the characteristics of environmental protection and no emissions from the source of the material. Understated and unassuming.

The adhesion is very strong, and the surface of glass and tile can also be decorated with cement, which will not fall off, and the original tile surface does not need to be removed, and the construction of decorative cement can be carried out directly.

Industrial design sense, capturing trendy elements

Derived from life, and higher than life, the original color of the terrazzo floor abandons the complexity of the world, restores the most essential beauty, and highlights the sense of industrial design.

Terrazzo floor, unique aggregate specifications, different matching effects, so that cement can be freely switched between hard and soft. Such design elements not only enhance the plasticity of the space, but also reflect individual taste.

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Each piece of terrazzo flooring is unique, there is no similarity, only uniqueness.

Terrazzo floor, the perfect embodiment of creativity! NICOO has a top production team and sales team, the pursuit of perfection, the representative of craftsmanship!

Tag: Flooring Stone Cladding Interior Exterior Bathroom Living room Terrazzo design
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