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Recommend News

UHPC Performance Upgrade and Industry Application

Ultra-High Performance Concrete, referred to as UHPC (Ultra-High Performance Concrete), also known as Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC, Reactive Powder Concrete), is the most innovative cement-based engineering material in the past three decades, achieving a great leap in the performance of engineering materials.

Hand-cast Fair-faced Concrete Slab Color Precast Cement Board

Who says fair-faced concrete slabs can only be drab gray? Today, I reveal to you a stunning treasure - colored concrete slab! It is not only a simple building material, but also a bright color in home design and garden landscape.


FAQ about Nicoo Concrete

Key Points of Production and Installation of Fair-faced Concrete Slabs

There are some key points in the process of making and installing fair-faced concrete slabs. Today, NICOO editor will briefly summarize one or two, hoping to help you.

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