Teach you to correctly identify the quality of cement pros and cons!


Teach you to correctly identify the quality of cement pros and cons!

Cement: powdery hydraulic inorganic cementing material. Add water and stir it into slurry, which can be hardened in air or better in water, and can cement sand, stone and other materials firmly together. The word cement developed from the Latin word caementum, meaning crushed stone and pieces of stone. Early mixtures of lime and volcanic ash were similar to modern lime-pozzoline-cement, in that the concrete formed by cementing crushed stone was stronger and resistant to attack by fresh or saltwater. For a long time, as an important cementitious material, it is widely used in civil construction, water conservancy, national defense and other projects.

The first: 'Look' cement to know the pros and cons

First of all, look at the packaging quality from the appearance. See whether the use of moisture-proof performance is not easy to damage the laminated woven bag, see whether the logo is clear and complete. Usually, cement produced by regular manufacturers should be marked with the following contents: registered trademark, place of origin, production license number, implementation standard, packing date, net bag weight, factory number, cement variety, etc. Poor quality cement is often ambiguous. Second, look carefully at the color of the cement. Generally speaking, the normal color of cement should be gray and white, the color is too dark or there may be too much other impurities.

The second: 'smell' cement analysis quality

Here the 'smell' is not smell, after all, smell cement is not safe for consumers, here the 'smell' is' listen ', listen to the business introduction about the cement ingredients, so as to infer the quality of cement. In order to sell at a low price, some small cement factories in China violate the provisions of cement standards and use too much cement mixed materials. The raw material ratio is not strictly in accordance with the national standards, and the product performance can be imagined. And regular manufacturers in the selection of cement raw materials is very rigorous, the production of cement has moderate setting time, high bond strength, good durability characteristics.

The third: 'Ask' the source of cement

The main is to ask the cement manufacturer and production process, to see whether its' origin 'is formal, whether the production process is advanced. At present, the cement products in the illegal building materials decoration market are mostly produced by small vertical kiln technology. The quality of the products is not only very unstable, but also the enemy of environmental protection. And some professional large factories using the new dry rotary kiln production, the use of advanced computer technology control management, can ensure the quality of cement products stable.

The fourth: 'cut' cement know life

This step mainly uses the finger to give the cement 'pulse', identify the length of its factory. Cement also has a shelf life. Generally speaking, the strength of cement will decrease after 30 days of the factory date. After three months of storage, cement loses 10-20% of its strength and 25-40% after a year. The cement that can be used normally should be free from dampness and caking. The high-quality cement can feel fine particles by twisting the cement powder with the fingers. The cement with inferior packaging will be damp and caked in the opening inspection. Inferior cement with fingers twist cement powder, there is a rough feeling, indicating that the cement fineness is coarse, abnormal, low strength when using, viscosity is very poor.

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Tag: Nicoo cement board panel cladding slate material decor
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