China Terrazzo Panel Manufacturer Custom Large Particles Mosaic Terrazo Ideas


Mosaic terrazzo large particles, unique texture and color, instantly light up the home space! Each grain seems to contain an endless story, which makes people want to explore.  

Whether it is laying the floor or decorating the wall, it can show a different charm. Its wear-resistant and durable properties make it the preferred material for decoration.

Moreover, the design of large particles has more visual impact and makes the space more hierarchical. If you want to create a personalized style, Mosaic terrazzo large particles are definitely your choice!  

Custom production of Mosaic terrazzo - marble edge material pouring

The aggregate can be made of 800mm, and various materials can be fused and added.

If you decide to change your flooring recently, then don't miss our large grain terrazzo flooring, which is not only a favorite of architects, but also the first choice of designers.

The Mosaic terrazzo floor was chosen.

This kind of floor is not only beautiful, but also very durable, there is no need to worry about small pets at home will scratch the floor

The color of the floor is also very nice, and the dark color was chosen to look very advanced

It was also very convenient to install, and the whole process only took one day

Customers love the new floor and often sit on it and chat

It feels like the atmosphere at home has changed for the better

Come and try it for a new glow!

design ideas
decoration design
villa design
mosaic flooring
mosaic terrazzo
large particle
marble aggregate
custom terrazzo
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