Why choose inorganic travertine?


Why choose inorganic travertine?

1.A1 grade fireproof material, high temperature resistance without deformation.

2. The shape is square, the density is uniform, the length and size of the block can be customized, and the output rate is high.

3. Stable color, strong weather resistance, UV resistance, no mildew, no discoloration.

4. The color can be customized according to demand, which makes up for the uncontrollable lack of natural stone color, and the color, texture and hole size of the inorganic stone surface are carefully developed and designed according to the market trend. Not only the rich texture and tone of natural stone, but also avoid the uncontrollable color and texture of natural stone.

5. The product has clear texture, dense interphase, warm texture, concave and convex. It can find traces of prehistoric civilization in the pattern trend and stone texture, and highlight modern fashion in the overall modeling effect, highlighting the master style, and achieving the effect of "from nature and beyond nature". The product characteristics of "honor, elegance, simplicity, fashion" are incisively and vividly displayed, which is suitable for indoor and outdoor decoration. Favored by the majority of elites, it is the first choice of many well-known designers.

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Tag: free simple traverteite plate inorganic travertine inorganice stone panel cement plate wall cladding design nicoo
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