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The Classic 60 Questions of Concrete - Part 1
Concrete classic 60 questions, worth collecting information!
UHPC Performance Upgrade and Industry Application
Ultra-High Performance Concrete, referred to as UHPC (Ultra-High Performance Concrete), also known as Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC, Reactive Powder Concrete), is the most innovative cement-based engineering material in the past three decades, achieving a great leap in the performance of engineering materials.
Italian Yellow Artificial Cement Stone Finished Product Decoration Project For Commercial Building
As an innovative stone, artificial cement stone boldly tries to have the characteristics that natural stone does not have in terms of performance and conforms to The Times of modern architecture under the premise of maintaining the original house sense of frost soil texture.
The Finished Effect Of The External Wall Fair-faced Concrete Slab With Decorative Holes!!
Concrete slab with its unique texture and natural charm, for the exterior wall decoration has brought a unique paving effect. The design of the decorative holes skillfully combines modern aesthetics with traditional craftsmanship, making the concrete slab facade not only practical, but also full of artistic atmosphere.