Original Design Art Bubble Series Inorganic Terrazzo Slab


Art bubble terrazzo is a smart terrazzo, wide applicability, plate plus other elements personalized customization to create more possibilities, do space partition to enhance the sense of layer.

The colors are bright and vivid, and the creative inspiration is from Van Gogh's starry sky.

Bubble terraxes are not only slabs, but also a romantic story of starry sky, bringing you into a different starry night world. No need to look up at the stars, bubble terrazzo has brought the stars into your life.

We produce inorganic terrazzo SLATE, not ceramic tile, it is harder than ceramic tile, better, stronger, the surface can be done waterproof treatment, so that the board is placed anywhere without fear of water infiltration.

Size: 600*1200mm

decoration designer
terrazzo design
art terrazzo
terrazzo slab
1200*600 terrazzo
800*800 terrazzo
inorganic terrazzo
terrazzo board
precast terrazzo
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